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added: 12-08-2013
Confidence among U.S. finance and accounting workers hit a high in the second quarter of the year, spiking nearly 10 points from the previous quarter and reaching levels not seen since before the recession. The current index score is the highest since Q3 2007. According to The Mergis Group Finance and Accounting Employee Confidence Index, employee outlook among finance and accounting workers on job security, hovered 10 points above the national average.

added: 12-02-2013
Companies that employ people with disabilities reap numerous benefits. Active recruiting and retention of employees with disabilities, including veterans, can both significantly expand the pool of talent and create new business opportunities, according to a new publication from The Conference Board, Leveling the Playing Field: Attracting, Engaging and Advancing People with Disabilities. Among the poignant conclusions reported: Managers who have supervised an employee with a disability are overwhelmingly likely to recommend hiring workers with disabilities.Over ninety percent of consumers are more favorable toward companies that hire people with disabilities. And yet, 77 percent of companies still do not take advantage of existing tax breaks and other benefits available for hiring workers with disabilities.

added: 02-01-2013
New light vehicle registrations in the U.S. in 2013 are expected to rise 6.6 percent over 2012 levels to 15.3 million vehicles, according to Polk, a leading global automotive market intelligence firm. At the same time, Polk analysts forecast North American production volumes to increase to the 15.9 million unit range (an anticipated 2.4 percent increase from 2012), driven by an improving economy and capacity expansion in the region.

Latest News

12.08 Finance and Accounting Employee Confidence Index Soars in Q2 as Macroeconomic Confidence Improves

12.02 Workers with Disabilities Add Business Benefits

02.01 Polk Expects 2013 U.S. New Vehicle Registrations To Reach 15.3 Million

31.12 CareerBuilder's 2013 U.S. Job Forecast Points to a Better, But Still Cautious Hiring Environment

31.12 2013 IPO Survey: Fiscal Cliff Causes Uncertainty For 2013 IPO Outlook

10.12 PwC Says Fundamentals are Strong for U.S. Mergers & Acquisitions Activity in 2013

27.11 The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® Increases Again

22.11 comScore Forecasts 17 Percent Growth to $43.4 Billion for 2012 U.S. Holiday E-Commerce Spending

22.11 Consumer Reports Holiday Poll: Two-thirds of Americans Plan to Skip Shopping in Stores on Black Friday

09.11 Total Consumer Debt Fell In Third Quarter

30.08 Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment - July 2012

30.08 The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® Declines in August 2012


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