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Home News USA 62 Million US Consumers Begin Christmas Shopping Before "Black Friday"

62 Million US Consumers Begin Christmas Shopping Before "Black Friday"
added: 2008-09-27

More than one in three holiday shoppers - or 62.3 million adult consumers - report they begin holiday shopping before Thanksgiving, according to new data from Mediamark Research & Intelligence (MRI).

Just under thirty-six percent of holiday shoppers say they begin shopping between Thanksgiving and December 15th and close to 26% start their shopping between December 16th and 23rd. Approximately 2% of holiday shoppers don't begin their holiday shopping until Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Who are the early shoppers combing retail shelves and online shopping sites before Black Friday - the day after Thanksgiving and the traditional start of the holiday shopping season?

- Almost 62% are women. In fact, women are 18% more likely than holiday shoppers in general to begin shopping before Thanksgiving.

- Although all age groups include early shoppers, Boomers represent the largest single age group. Some 38% of early shoppers are Boomers, making them 11% more like than holiday shoppers in general to be out there early.

- Household income does not seem to be a driver for early shopping, but the need to buy toys definitely is. Early shoppers are 13% more likely than holiday shoppers in general to have bought at least one toy in the last 12 months and they are 18% more likely to have bought 10 or more toys in the last 12 months.

- Early shoppers are prepared both to give and receive holiday gifts. They are 9% more likely to have given a personal wish list of gifts they hope to receive to their family and their friends.

"Black Friday may be the traditional start of the holiday shopping season but, as many retailers have recognized, its strength has diminished as millions of Americans begin their shopping before Thanksgiving," said Anne Marie Kelly, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Planning at MRI. "Understanding who these consumers are and how best to reach them will give marketers a leg up in what is shaping up to a be a difficult Holiday Season for retailers."

Source: PR Newswire

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