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Home News USA American Healthcare System Buckling at the Knees Under the Weight of Current Economic Crisis

American Healthcare System Buckling at the Knees Under the Weight of Current Economic Crisis
added: 2008-11-19

The ripple effect of the imploding American economy continues. As families feel the financial strain, consumer purse strings are pulled tighter and tighter. Looking for drastic ways to save, Americans are skimping on real essentials like physician visits and medications, placing their personal health in jeopardy.

An analysis by IMS Health, an independent research and tracking firm serving the pharmaceutical markets, indicates that for the first time in a decade, Americans are ordering fewer prescription drugs than the year before.

In a recent study, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that one in three Americans say their family has had trouble paying medical bills in the past year. Nearly half say someone in their family has skipped pills, cut pills in half to make them last longer, or did not fill a prescription because of the cost.

"If medications for chronic conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and diabetes are not taken as directed, it will lead to dire consequences," says Dr. Paul Zickler of DoctorSolve. "While trying to save money, these patients are compromising their health."

The Kaiser Family Foundation study states, "Consumers are turning to a variety of methods to reduce their prescription costs, including requesting cheaper drugs or generic drugs from their physicians and pharmacies, and using the Internet to make price comparisons." DoctorSolve Healthcare Services suggests that not only are Americans price shopping on the Internet, they are also purchasing drugs from online pharmacies.

"Sales in October 2008 were up by 12% versus the month before," says Zickler. "Our patients save up to 70% on their medications. Add to that the strength of the American dollar against the Canadian dollar, and it's easy to see why Americans are turning to online pharmacies for their drugs."

Source: PR Newswire

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