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Home News USA Americans Inspired By Green Innovation

Americans Inspired By Green Innovation
added: 2009-04-15

The color green is often the symbol of regeneration and vitality. At a time when our country is in recovery and on the path toward renewal, Americans are encouraged by efforts to reinvest in our nation through innovation.

Results from a survey done by the EcoCAR: The Next Challenge collegiate competition show almost unanimous public opinion around the fact that scientific innovation is essential for the economic and social welfare of a nation. This sentiment hits extremely close to home right now in light of financial issues facing the U.S. and the global community at large. These results also lend increased credibility to the goal of the EcoCAR competition, which aims to spur innovation around advanced technologies that will transform the automobile industry.

Results of the survey also show that public opinion is very mixed regarding what energy resources will most likely power automobiles in the future. Electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, solar power and reformulated gasoline were some of the top options in consumers’ minds. EcoCAR’s student competitors are also placing their bets on various technologies and energy sources as they develop innovative solutions to the issues facing automakers, policymakers, and the public today.

Key findings in the EcoCAR survey include:

- Innovation Rules. 97% of Americans agree that a nation’s commitment to innovate should include encouraging the spirit of innovation in young people because of the fresh perspective they can bring.

- Protecting the Nation. 98% of Americans agree that investing in scientific innovation is essential for the economic and social welfare of a nation.

- Electricity Will Dominate. Thinking ahead to the future, a majority of Americans believe most cars will rely on electricity (55%). More than four out of ten believe ethanol (E85) will be a top fuel source (45%), followed by hydrogen (37%), solar power (34%), reformulated gasoline (29%), biodiesel (27%), natural gas (20%), wind (5%) and other fuels (2%).

In the spirit of sparking green innovation, a coalition of North American government, industry and academic partners, led by General Motors (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), has made a $75 million investment in next-generation green engineering education and workforce.

Source: Business Wire

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