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Home News USA Americans Rate the Economic Policies of the National Government as Bad

Americans Rate the Economic Policies of the National Government as Bad
added: 2008-04-06

As news from all corners of the world continues to come in mostly bad, with some bright spots, Americans are not optimistic that the government will help. Seven in ten Americans (70%) rate the economic policies of the national government as bad while just 14 percent rate them as good. This dissatisfaction cuts across all party lines.

Only one-quarter of Republicans (26%), seven percent of Democrats and one in ten Independents (10%) rate the government’s economic policies as good.

These are some of the results of a nationwide Harris Poll of 1,297 U.S. adults surveyed online between March 14 and 24, 2008 by Harris Interactive®.

Household’s Financial Situation

Almost half (48%) of Americans say their household’s financial situation has worsened compared to one year ago, a six point increase from last month when 42 percent said the same. Three in ten (30%) say that it has improved, down from last month when over one-third (35%) said their household’s financial condition had improved. As one might expect, there are some income differences. The greater one’s household income is, the more likely they say their condition has improved. Half or more of those who have household incomes of under $75,000 a year say their financial condition has worsened, compared to only one-third (34%) of those with a higher income.

Looking six months into the future, people have become more pessimistic. Currently, one-third (33%) of Americans say they expect their household’s financial situation to be better in six months while two in five (39%) expect it to be worse. Last month those numbers were reversed as 39 percent of Americans believed the situation would be better and one-third (34%) believed their financial situation would be worse. Again, those who earn more are more likely to believe their financial situation will be better six months from now.

So What?

While the government is trying to convince people they are implementing programs to help stimulate and repair the economy, most Americans are not sold that these will work. From last month to this month the attitudes of Americans have become even more pessimistic and they have little faith in the government’s policies.

It may be that Americans are just waiting to see what the next Administration will do. But, the candidates need to do something to placate nervous voters. Assuming the Republicans and Democrats follow their party lines, the Independents are painting a bleak picture. Over half (53%) say their household’s financial situation has worsened and a plurality (44%) say they expect it to be worse six months from now. The candidates will need to convince these voters their plan will work.

Source: Business Wire

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