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Home News USA Americans at Odds Over Financial Security

Americans at Odds Over Financial Security
added: 2007-02-22

Americans have mixed feelings about their personal level of financial security, according to the COUNTRY Financial Security Index which registered an inaugural reading of 70.2 in February.

The COUNTRY Index surveys 3,000 Americans every other month and records the relative financial security of respondents on a scale of 0-100 with 100 indicating the highest level of security. The latest Index of 70.2 indicates people are split when it comes to their own financial situation:

 Americans at Odds Over Financial Security

The complete Index is available at

"In the midst of increasing debt, a negative savings rate and concerns about the viability of Social Security, the COUNTRY Index presents a somewhat encouraging picture," says Keith Brannan, director of the Financial Security Office at COUNTRY. "It shows the nation as a whole doesn't feel it is in dire financial security straits, but there is room for improvement."

Source: PR Newswire

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