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Home News USA Bank Customers Want Guidance

Bank Customers Want Guidance
added: 2008-10-18

A new Morpace survey shows that perception of banks varies depending on their size. However, all banks share the same key opportunity for improvement in customer satisfaction - that is, helping customers achieve their financial goals.

Tim Taylor, Vice President, Financial Services, said, "Customers who feel their bank helps them achieve their financial goals are more satisfied with their bank. And 34 percent of credit union customers, 39 percent of regional or local bank customers, and 47 percent of national bank customers are less than satisfied with how their bank delivers in this area (ratings of 1-7 on a 10-point scale) - resulting in significant room for improvement."

"In the current economic crisis, consumers of all ages are thinking more about financial goals," Taylor added. "Our research suggests that any financial institution, regardless of size, can increase customer satisfaction levels by developing and promoting ways to help customers achieve their financial goals."

The study also found that overall customer satisfaction tends to decrease as bank size increases. That is, customers of national banks tend to be significantly less satisfied than customers of regional or local banks who, in turn, are less satisfied than customers of credit unions.

"Likewise," Taylor said, "consumer opinion of their banks' strengths and weaknesses are directly related to size. National banks receive high ratings for number of branches and ATMs, while local banks and credit unions are rated lower in this area. Credit unions, however, are recognized for good customer service, often cited as a weakness of larger banks."

Source: PR Newswire

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