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Home News USA CareerBuilder Survey: Laid Off Workers Report How They're Making the Most of a Difficult Time

CareerBuilder Survey: Laid Off Workers Report How They're Making the Most of a Difficult Time
added: 2009-06-25

Laid off workers today are competing in one of the toughest job markets in the nation's history and struggling with increased financial pressures. A new CareerBuilder survey finds that, despite the hardships many of these workers are facing, they are focusing on positive aspects of being in between jobs to get them through a challenging time.

More than 1,800 laid off workers participated in the nationwide survey completed in June. Twenty-two percent of these workers reported that they are spending more time with family and friends as they look for new employment opportunities. Other ways laid off workers said they are making the best of a difficult situation include:

- 15 percent are fixing up their homes
- 14 percent are exercising more
- 11 percent are finally taking time to relax
- 8 percent are volunteering
- 7 percent are going back to school
- 6 percent are becoming more involved in their church community
- 4 percent are starting their own business
- 4 percent are taking up new hobbies
- 3 percent are traveling

"While finding a new job and steady paycheck is definitely top of mind, laid off workers are also concentrating on activities that will help them grow personally and professionally," said Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at CareerBuilder. "They are reconnecting with friends and family, getting involved in the community, taking classes and exploring new career path options that may lead to a greater return in the long run."

To make ends meet today, 23 percent of laid off workers reported they are collecting unemployment or other financial aid while another 20 percent are cutting back on spending outside of necessity. Other means they are using to manage budgets include:

- 16 percent are relying on savings
- 12 percent said their spouse or significant other is supporting the
- 6 percent sold some of their belongings
- 5 percent are taking odd jobs here and there
- 4 percent are living on credit
- 3 percent moved back home or added a roommate

Source: PR Newswire

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