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Home News USA Despite New Credit Card Law, Banks Hammering Consumers

Despite New Credit Card Law, Banks Hammering Consumers
added: 2009-07-09

According to a new survey from, a third (33%) of consumers still say their card company has recently made some changes to a credit card account.

President Barack Obama has signed into law the Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights, but according to a new survey from, a third (33%) of consumers still say their card company has recently made one or some combination of the following changes to a credit card account:

- Increased their interest rate 19% (up from 15% in February survey)

- Increased their fees 14%

- Lowered their credit limit 14% (up from 8% in February survey)

- Increased their minimum payment due 12%

- Reduced their rewards program 9%

"This is a defining moment between now and when the law is scheduled to go into effect in February 2010," says Adam Levin, co-founder of and a former director of the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs. "Will credit card companies actually be “kinder and gentler” or instead look to squeeze the consumer at every opportunity with a new fee or rate hike?"

This national telephone poll was conducted for by GfK Custom Research North America from June 12-14, 2009. A total of 1,000 interviews were completed, with roughly 500 female adults and 500 male adults. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points for the full sample.

Source: Business Wire

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