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Home News USA Economy, Health Care, and Gas Prices Top Issues for Women Business Owners

Economy, Health Care, and Gas Prices Top Issues for Women Business Owners
added: 2008-06-04

The state of the economy, the cost and availability of health insurance, fuel and other energy costs, and business tax issues are the top issues impacting the women's business community at the present time, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Women Business Owners(R) (NAWBO(R)) among its members.

When given a list of nine key business issues, fully 93% of NAWBO members say that the state of the economy is an extremely or very important issue for them as business owners today, making it the top issues concern. Following closely behind are: the cost and availability of health insurance (82% extremely/very important); fuel and other energy costs (81%); and business tax issues (75%).

"NAWBO members share the general concern of voters about the state of our economy," said Lisa Kaiser Hickey, NAWBO's president and president/CEO, Douglas Screen Printers, Inc. in Lakeland, Florida. "At the same time, our members also show differences in the way they see other important issues, such as health care - where they want to see more focus on prevention, and immigration - where they want the focus to be on systemic reform," remarked Hickey. "Our members are also telling us that they want the federal 5% procurement goal implemented through implementation of the authorized set-aside program and enhanced accountability measures. We will communicate these positions to the presidential candidates, Congressional leaders, and other Federal policy makers."

When asked an open-ended question about the issues that will impact their vote for President and Congress this fall, NAWBO members widen their lens. The top two issues remain the state of the economy (48%) and health care (47%), but the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (42%) will also weigh heavily in NAWBO members' voting decisions in the Presidential, Senatorial and Congressional contests in their states. In the second tier of vote influencers will be the candidates' positions on: taxes and government regulations for business (21%); the environment and global warming (10%); immigration policy (10%); and terrorism/national security (10%).

In addition, the survey also took a deeper look at health care, immigration reform and Federal procurement. If NAWBO members had to pick one aspect of the health care issue of greatest importance, 65% choose reducing costs over expanding coverage for the uninsured (19%), improving the quality of care (12%), or reducing spending on government programs like Medicare and Medicaid (4%). This emphasis on cost reduction over expansion of coverage distinguishes NAWBO members' perceptions from those of the general public.

Source: PR Newswire

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