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Home News USA Financial Security Sentiments Hit New Low

Financial Security Sentiments Hit New Low
added: 2009-02-17

The level of confidence Americans have about their own financial security can't find bottom under the weight of a struggling economy. The latest COUNTRY Financial Security Index(SM) reveals a steady six-month decline in Americans' sentiments about their overall financial security, falling 1.5 points in February to a new low of 65.8.

The economic climate is casting a cloud over savings and investments. For the first time in the two-year history of the COUNTRY Index, a majority of Americans (54 percent) were unable to put money aside. Since August, the number of people able to save and invest has dropped nine points - the equivalent of more than 19.5 million people.

"Financial pressure is causing more Americans to prioritize short term needs over their long term savings goals. People have to make decisions that are right for their families in these tough times, so it is completely understandable that we might take on more aggressive financial restructuring of our personal finances," says Keith Brannan, vice president of Financial Security Planning for COUNTRY Financial. "But before we make decisions to sacrifice our long term savings, it is important to get the advice of a professional. Most likely, they can help you make the necessary decisions with confidence."

In addition to slowing savings, those rating their financial security as fair or poor (57 percent) now far outnumber those that say their situation is excellent or good (40 percent). Just six months ago, half of Americans rated their personal financial situation positively.

Men's Confidence in Finances Plummet

Over the past six-months men's confidence in their financial security has sharply declined. However, overall they remain more positive than their female counterparts.

- Since August, the number of men rating their overall financial situation as excellent or good dropped 13 points, compared to a six-point decline among women.

- Just six months ago, 60 percent of men and 50 percent of women said they were able to set aside money for savings or investments in the past two months. Now only 46 percent of men and women are setting aside money for the future.

College Funding Concerns Spike to Record High

- Thirty-nine percent of Americans are not confident they will have the resources to send their children to college, compared to 30 percent six months ago and the most ever since the COUNTRY Index began in February 2007.

Retirement Holds Steady

- Despite dramatic drops in confidence about other aspects of their financial security, Americans' sentiments about retirement have remained stable the past few months. Since December there was a one-point up-tick to 59 percent in those confident they would have enough money for a comfortable retirement.

Source: PR Newswire

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