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Home News USA Gallup and Healthways Release June 2010 U.S. Well-Being Report

Gallup and Healthways Release June 2010 U.S. Well-Being Report
added: 2010-07-12

Please be advised that Gallup and Healthways, Inc. released the Gallup-Healthways Monthly U.S. Well-Being Report for June 2010.

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index™ (WBI) remained strong in June, with the second highest overall well-being score on record (67.3) and a Life Evaluation Index score (LEI) reaching its highest level. June’s LEI (50.8), tracking individual perception of current life situation and optimism for the future, surpassed the previous record set last month (50.7). This was driven by the 53.9 percent of the population who are considered “thriving” in June.

While the composite score and five of the six components of well-being did not experience statistically significant movement in June, well-being maintained the positive momentum built in the last two months. June composite well-being (67.3) remains essentially flat after the record high posted last month (67.4), despite unemployment levels of 9.5 percent and falling consumer confidence.

Although the Emotional Health Index fell slightly (79.6) from May’s record high score (79.8), an all-time high (88.5 percent) reported experiencing a lot of happiness the previous day. The Healthy Behavior Index, reached an all-time high (65.2) in May and slipped slightly (64.9) in June.

Source: Business Wire

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