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Home News USA How Americans View Different Industries

How Americans View Different Industries
added: 2007-08-11

This year’s annual Harris Poll ranking industries on how well they serve consumers finds that the supermarket industry does the best job according to U.S. adults. Fully 92 percent of adults think supermarkets generally do a good job, and only eight percent think they do a bad job, giving them a net positive score of 84 percentage points. At the bottom of the list, only 26 percent think tobacco companies do a good job, while one-third (33%) believe oil companies do a good job.

Other industries that receive high net scores are:

* online search engines (77 points positive);

* computer hardware companies (64 points positive);

* computer software companies (61 points positive);

* hospitals (58 points positive);

* banks (56 points positive); and

* packaged food companies (55 points positive)

At the other end of the spectrum, the industries with the worst net scores are:

* tobacco companies (46 points negative);

* oil companies (33 points negative);

* health insurance companies (21 points negative);

* managed care companies, such as HMOs (20 points negative); and

* cable companies (1 point negative)

These are some of the results of a nationwide telephone survey conducted by Harris Interactive® among 1,010 U.S. adults between July 10 and 16, 2007. However, only about half of these adults were asked about each industry.

Other industries that were measured include: online retailers (48 points positive), car manufacturers (46 points positive), internet service providers (46 points positive), investment and brokerage firms (45 points positive), electric and gas utilities (42 points positive), telephone companies (35 points positive), airlines (26 points positive), pharmaceutical companies (21 points positive) and life insurance companies (18 points positive).

Some Substantial Changes Since Last Year

There have been substantial changes since last year, with two-thirds of the industries trending downward. Six industries showed improvements this year, while 14 industries went down, many by double digits (one, computer hardware companies, stayed the same). This survey shows what has changed and by how much, but of course it does not explain why these changes have occurred. Some possible explanations (which we cannot validate or invalidate) for these changes are discussed below.

Some of those with the greatest changes from last year are:

* Cable companies dropped 29 points from 28 points positive in 2006 to one point negative this year. With more and more competition and with cable companies now offering more services, being spread so thin may be hurting them in the customer service department;

* Tobacco companies have dropped to their lowest levels since this question was first asked in 1997 and dropped from 25 points negative last year to 46 points negative this year. After a few years of slightly positive media about how the industry is trying to adapt, this may be a case of people no longer believing that media coverage;

* Managed care companies, such as HMOs and health insurance companies have both seen large decreases this year. Managed care companies dropped 17 points and health insurance companies dropped 18 points. Michael Moore’s latest documentary does focus on this industry and this could be one cause of their decline;

* Airlines have dropped 16 points since last year, but have dropped 36 points in just two years. Much of this decrease is most likely due to the constant media barrage of flight delays and passengers sitting on runways for hours on end; and

* Car manufacturers are one of the shining industries this year as they have increased 15 points, from 31 points positive to 46 points positive. As the U.S. auto industry has tried to adapt to meet the challenges from foreign companies, and the foreign companies have subsequently responded, the changes have been met with a warm response in the eyes of the consumer.

Ten-Year Trends

Harris Interactive started asking these questions in 1997 and in ten years there have been many changes. But, in looking across the decade, of the 13 industries on the list in 1997, only three have seen an increase (banks, car manufacturers and hospitals) and these increases are all less than 5 points. Ten industries, however, have declined with airlines and oil companies dropping the most (40 points and 57 points respectively).

Source: Business Wire

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