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Home News USA How to Beat a Recession: Business Expert Shares Secrets of Making Businesses Recession-Proof

How to Beat a Recession: Business Expert Shares Secrets of Making Businesses Recession-Proof
added: 2008-01-25

The dreaded "R" word is making the suppertime news, the dollar is in a free-fall and consumer spending is slowing to a crawl - a bad-news combination that has struck fear into business owners across the nation.

The good news is that there's a silver lining in all the doom-and-gloom statistics; studies of previous recessions have shown that smart businesses can turn a bad economy into an advantage. The trick is not to panic.

Here's how you can recession-proof your small business:

- Use high-return marketing techniques. While your competitors are slashing their advertising budgets, you are redirecting your resources to results-oriented campaigns such as public relations. Publicists will work to get your business in print, on radio and on TV at a fraction of the cost of an ad agency campaign. For example, Publicity Guaranteed pioneered the pay-for-results- only PR system, saving small business owners thousands of dollars n fees they would have paid an ad agency for a campaign that failed to bring results.

-- Spend smart. Look for innovative ways you can buy the services you need to succeed. For example,, a "services for cash facilitator, gives emerging businesses a vehicle with which to boost their profile - and their profits - without spending cash. Save money by using your company's stock to acquire the nationwide advertising you need through the

- Increase conversion rates on your website. Advertising and publicity make your company noticed, but what happens once you get customers to your online site? Try increasing its effectiveness by adding interactive components to your website. For example, shows business owners how they can turn their websites into their dynamic multimedia presentations of how your product works.

- Create a distinct advantage. In marketing terms, it's called a Unique Selling Proposition, something that sets you apart from your competitor. Once you've decided which product or service would be considered an essential during bad economic times - remember, consumers will cut out non-essentials -- target your marketing fforts to your USP.

- Be an optimist. According to an old Chinese adage, "When strong winds are blowing, some hide behind walls and other build windmills." Remember that many smart businesses became successful during market shake-downs caused by recessions.

Source: PR Newswire

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