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Home News USA Men Are Better Savers Than Women

Men Are Better Savers Than Women
added: 2007-07-24

Bankrate, Inc. published the findings of its second annual poll questioning Americans on their emergency savings accounts. Bankrate found that over half of Americans polled (54 percent) are not equipped with an emergency savings fund (equal to three months living expenses).

"Half of all Americans might be on the brink of financial disaster," said Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at "Many people living pay check to pay check would not be able to weather a financial storm, such as sudden unemployment or illness," Mr. McBride said.

Some key findings of the poll include:

- Men are better savers overall, showing savings at 81 percent versus women at 72 percent. When it comes to putting aside enough for an emergency savings fund, the gap gets larger, with men totaling 53 percent, compared to women at 39 percent.

- Men gain more interest on their savings then women (81 percent versus 70 percent).

- Seventy percent of 18 to 24 year olds and almost 60 percent in the 25 to 34 year old category are not prepared in case of an emergency.

The national random-digit-dialed phone study of 1,005 adults 18 or older was conducted for Bankrate by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. The surveys were conducted from June 29 through July 1, 2007.

Source: PR Newswire

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