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Home News USA New Job on 'To-Do List' for One Quarter of Employed Americans in '08

New Job on 'To-Do List' for One Quarter of Employed Americans in '08
added: 2008-01-03

One in four U.S. workers is resolving to get a new job in the year ahead, a figure that rises dramatically for those who are employed hourly, 18-34 years old or Hispanic, according to a just-released survey of the nation's labor force.

The survey, commissioned by, the No. 1 source for hourly employment, and conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, a leading, independent, global-market research firm, found that 26 percent of employed Americans said they will look for a new job in 2008. Nearly one third (31%) of hourly workers, 40 percent of Americans ages 18-34 and 54 percent of employed Hispanics said they plan on job hunting. Conversely, 19 percent of salaried workers said they will be in the market for a new job.

The survey also found that, given the uncertain direction of the U.S. economy, several circumstances could have U.S. workers considering additional work. When asked what economic conditions would cause them or someone in their household to contemplate a second job, 27 percent of respondents cited an increase in energy prices, with an identical percentage citing higher monthly housing costs and the same number indicating the inability to get ahead on their current salary. (Respondents could select more than one choice.)

"The overall employment picture in the U.S. remains strong, but this survey suggests that there are underlying concerns in the work force," said Shawn Boyer, CEO of "With such uncertainty, and with a desire to get ahead, many American workers will be seeking new or additional employment in 2008."

Source: PR Newswire

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