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Home News USA Prepaid Wireless for Credit Challenged

Prepaid Wireless for Credit Challenged
added: 2007-07-09

With thirty-seven million Americans living below the poverty line according to the Center for American Progress and Americans owing over $813 billion in credit card debt, prepaid wireless handsets and airtime is the standard of choice for people who need a cellular phone but are unable to get a payment plan.

Today, there are more than 137,000,000 wireless subscribers in the United States, and that number will continue to increase to record highs over the next few years. Nearly forty percent of those who apply for post paid contracts are denied credit by the major carriers. So, Americans are turning to alternative options for their cell phone needs.

The prepaid wireless market will grow by over 600% in the next 3 years, to 31 million subscribers by the end of 2008.

Nearly 80% of mobile users in Europe and Asia already prefer using prepaid over postpaid calling plans; causing many analysts to see prepaid as the inevitable future of consumer's cell phone habits.

"A monthly bill for something like a cell phone is becoming a severely outdated model," said David Stanek, President & CEO of Airlink Mobile, a leading provider of prepaid wireless cards. "Prepaid is a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go solution that provides a concrete method for buying wireless minutes and using them as needed, without customers being burdened with expensive contracts."

Prepaid wireless operates on a per-use basis, without credit checks and long-term contracts. Therefore, customers receive more of what they want from a wireless service, such as options that are easier to keep track of and maintain on the road.

"Customers can get the same service and kinds of phones from prepaid that they can from a post paid contract," said Stanek. "They always know how much they are spending for cell phone minutes. Pay-as-you-go is the smart option for people on a budget."

Airlink Mobile is a leading provider of prepaid wireless and it's available in convenience stores and wireless dealer locations all over the country. Airlink Mobile offers low per-minute pricing, nationwide coverage, free long distance, and free unlimited night and weekend minutes.

The range of available phones for prepaid wireless cards is immense, coupling top-of-the-line technology with ease of use and effectiveness. Airlink Mobile offers the full range of amenities, including camera and web-enabled phones that allow users to download games and ring-tones.

"Airlink Mobile provides great service, powerful technology, and offer customer's full control of products," added Stanek. "Everyone can have a cell phone today, and no one needs to pay beyond their means for it."

Source: PR Newswire

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