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Home News USA Relinquishing Work Duties Difficult for Vacationing Executives

Relinquishing Work Duties Difficult for Vacationing Executives
added: 2007-05-26

Vacationing creative executives may be spending more time looking at laptops than landmarks, a new survey suggests. Nearly half (47 percent) of advertising and marketing executives said they check in at least daily while away from the office; only 13 percent of respondents said they never attend to business matters when taking time off.

The national poll includes 250 responses - 125 from advertising executives among the nation's 1,000 largest advertising agencies and 125 from senior marketing executives among the nation's 1,000 largest companies. It was conducted by an independent research firm and developed by The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service providing marketing, advertising, creative and web professionals on a project basis.

Advertising and marketing executives were asked, "How often do you check in with the office while on vacation?" Their responses:
Several times daily - 19%
Once daily - 28%
Two to three times a week - 27%
At least once a week - 13%
Never, I don't check in - 13%

"Vacations are a time to disconnect from the job, unwind and re-energize," said Dave Willmer, executive director of The Creative Group. "While checking in on occasion is understandable, excessive communication can spoil the benefits of being away from the office."

Willmer noted that forethought and planning can help ensure a stress-free vacation. He offered these tips for making a successful break:

- Time it right. If possible, schedule vacations when your workload will be light - before major projects begin or soon after they're completed.

- Spread the word. Tell clients and customers about your vacation plans and provide the names of colleagues to contact in your absence. Use your e-mail's "out-of-office" function to let people know you're away.

- Designate a point of contact. Ask a trusted colleague to take charge of projects while you're on vacation and offer to return the favor. Provide clear instructions on what to expect and how to handle certain types of situations.

- Establish office hours. If you must check in with the office, plan ahead. Provide your team with the days and times you'll be checking messages so you can avoid interruptions or the feeling that you're "on call."

- Unplug. While it's tempting to bring your laptop or PDA with you, consider leaving these devices at home unless absolutely necessary. If you bring them, leave them in your room and check them periodically.

- Seek extra support. Hiring temporary staff can help ensure projects stay on track while you're away, especially if your team is already operating at maximum capacity.

Source: PR Newswire

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