"This most recent week started strong as consumers spent $733 million on Cyber Monday, which was followed by three consecutive days where spending surpassed $700 million," said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni. "However, strong sales subsided towards the end of the week, eventually resulting in a 17-percent gain versus the corresponding time period last year - in line with the growth rates we've experienced for the season-to-date."
Video Games & Consoles Still Surging Since Last Year
Video games, consoles & accessories continues to be the hottest online retail category, rising 145 percent in November versus the corresponding days last year, while furniture, appliances & equipment (up 45 percent) and sport & fitness (up 30 percent) are also performing well. Three of the most popular holiday season categories, toys, consumer electronics, and books & magazines, are each growing at 17 percent, coinciding with total online retail spending growth.