“The results of the survey reveal the optimism and perseverance that so often marks this spirited group of business owners, as well as their adaptability to meet current economic conditions,” said Gail Goodman, CEO and chairman, Constant Contact. “These companies show us all what it takes to succeed in any economic climate. We are grateful to our partners in the survey, which has given us an encouraging glimpse into the minds and attitudes of today’s small businesses.”
Small Businesses Anticipate Growth in 2009
The survey respondents’ generally optimistic outlook on growth is further highlighted by the fact that of those customers that expect to grow moderately or significantly in 2009, 47 percent expect to hire additional employees.
In 2009 do you expect your business to?

If growing significantly or moderately, do you plan on hiring additional employees this year?

Small Businesses Secure Funding in Tight Lending Market
Additionally, of the 15 percent of respondents that sought and secured additional financing in the past 12 months, 69 percent received funding from banks in what is perceived to be a historically tight lending market.
As Costs Increase Small Businesses Look for New Efficiencies
According to the survey, 59 percent of surveyed businesses indicated an increase in the overall cost of doing business over the last 12 months. The top areas affected by increased costs include materials and supplies (65 percent), marketing (49 percent) and taxes (44 percent).
In response, small businesses are cutting back, but are focusing predominantly on overall operating costs (49 percent) and travel and entertainment (37 percent) rather than headcount reductions.
How has your cost of doing business changed in the last 12 months?

In which areas of your business have you seen an increase in costs during the last 12 months?

Have you taken any of the following actions in response to the current economy?

Small Businesses Market Smarter
According to survey results, more than 70 percent of small business respondents felt the biggest challenge in running their businesses was marketing effectively with limited resources. Respondents identified marketing (62 percent) and sales and new business development (50 percent) as the areas in which they need the most help.
Twenty-nine percent of survey respondents indicated they have reduced their spending on marketing, but are taking advantage of less expensive online marketing methods including email marketing. Seventy-four percent of surveyed businesses said they regularly conduct outbound communications; of which 97 percent use email marketing and 68 percent use a website.
Do you conduct outbound communications with your customers on a regular basis?

If yes, what avenue do you use to conduct your outbound communications?

Small Businesses Make Small Steps Toward Social Media
Small businesses that have been in business for 10 or more years find it more difficult to keep up with new technologies (28 percent). Those mature businesses are also more likely to rely on traditional marketing methods such as direct mail. Newer companies (those who have been in business for one to five years) are more likely to use social media tools such as blogs, Facebook and LinkedIn.
How do you feel you are keeping up with technology?

Survey results also indicated that social media tools have begun to penetrate small business’ communications strategies; however, few small businesses use these tools regularly, though many indicate an interest in doing so.
Are you using any of the following online tools to market your product or service?