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Home News USA Surviving U.S. Hyperinflation Will be Greatest Challenge of Our Lifetimes

Surviving U.S. Hyperinflation Will be Greatest Challenge of Our Lifetimes
added: 2009-06-02

Most Americans don't realize just how fragile life in the United States is. The chains of interdependency have expanded to such a great length, you probably have no idea where the food in your supermarket comes from. Most likely, it doesn't come from local farmers, but rather from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The National Inflation Association released the following statement: "Most Americans don't realize just how fragile life in the United States is. The chains of interdependency have expanded to such a great length, you probably have no idea where the food in your supermarket comes from. Most likely, it doesn't come from local farmers, but rather from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

"The rioting and looting after Hurricane Katrina was just a warm up to what is likely to take place during hyperinflation. When the U.S. Dollar becomes worthless, cities and municipalities won't be able to pay their police forces. Without any law and order or food on the shelves at stores, the facade of civilization that exists today will quickly evaporate.

"The most important step to take right now is to move away from major cities and into a less densely populated area. The smaller the population where you live, the less problems you will have during hyperinflation. There will be mass exoduses from cities, so you better leave now before the highways resemble parking lots.

"You are going to need both access to lethal force and the help of friends to keep your property secure. Living on a farm with a gun in the middle of nowhere isn't safe when packs of hungry people can attack at any time. It is important to strike a balance by living in both a lightly populated area, and in a community with other families who are willing to work together as a group.

"When choosing friends to be in this group, make sure they share your morals and outlook on society. The last thing you want is to be fighting with each other, when you should be fighting as a team for your lives, liberty and property. You will need a group of friends that have the skills you lack, in areas such as medicine, electronics, and carpentry.

"With food prices likely to soar most during hyperinflation, Agriculture will be the best business to be in for decades to come. Consider going to a farming school, or at least practicing how to plant a garden. You don't want to grow food for the first time when hyperinflation arrives, and find out that bugs eat it or the soil is no good.

"Simple skills like sewing will be good to have during hyperinflation. Once China cuts off their textile exports to the U.S., it will make more sense for Americans to repair the clothes they own, rather than buy new clothes. All Americans, even those with millions of dollars in the bank, will need to learn how to get their hands dirty and do things for themselves.

"Learn to be frugal. If you ever laughed at your parents or grandparents for cutting out coupons, using every last bit of toothpaste, or turning off the lights when leaving a room, you should realize they probably lived through the Great Depression and learn from their wisdom.

"Now is the time to take whatever cash you have and invest into gold and silver. Gold just saw its biggest monthly price gain since November, and silver had its biggest monthly gain in 22 years. Gold is getting ready to permanently break $1,000 per ounce. The mainstream media won't begin recommending the investment into gold until it reaches $2,000 per ounce, at which time a mania will begin that will be bigger than the dot-com and Real Estate booms combined.

"There is an opportunity for us to become wealthy during the next five to ten years as most Americans lose everything. Our latest stock suggestion has already gained 57% in just one month. Some gold, silver and agriculture stocks could gain by tens of thousands of percent during hyperinflation.

"We will have a new stock suggestion this week of a silver company we met with at last month's Hard Assets Investment Conference and have been researching ever since. We will also be announcing an addition this week to our recent ETF/ETN report, with the suggestion of an ETF that tracks what we consider to be the world's most undervalued commodity.

"It is important for us to spread our knowledge about the hyperinflation that is ahead and prepare as many of our friends and family members now before it's too late. The more friends and family you get on the right track now by telling them about NIA, the more people you will have to return the favor in the future when you need their help and loving support most."

Source: PR Newswire

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