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Home News USA The Final Week of Pre-Christmas Shopping Opens With Strong Online Retail Spending

The Final Week of Pre-Christmas Shopping Opens With Strong Online Retail Spending
added: 2007-12-21

comScore, Inc. released an update of holiday season e-commerce spending for the first 48 days of the November - December 2007 holiday season (November 1 - December 18). Nearly $25 billion has been spent online during the season-to-date, marking a 19-percent gain versus the corresponding days last year, surpassing the total spending that occurred for the entire 2006 holiday season.

The most recent two days of sales reporting, Monday, December 17 (up 33 percent to $700 million) and Tuesday, December 18 (up 25 percent to $670 million), both showed strong growth versus last year.

"Monday and Tuesday of this final week of pre-Christmas shopping saw strong growth in spending versus year ago, pushing the season-to-date growth rate slightly above 19 percent," said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni. "While it is now safe to say that the heaviest online spending days of the season are behind us, we believe we may continue to see strong growth rates during the remainder of the season due to the late-season shipping deals being offered by some retailers, and consumers' ability to buy online and pick-up their purchase the same day at the retail store. It's also clear that many consumers are willing to delay their holiday shopping later in the season this year in an effort to take advantage of any late season price discounts being offered by retailers."

Source: PR Newswire

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