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Home News USA Total Number of Consumer Credit Card Applications Submitted Online in Q2 2008 Decreased by 6 Percent Versus Year Ago

Total Number of Consumer Credit Card Applications Submitted Online in Q2 2008 Decreased by 6 Percent Versus Year Ago
added: 2008-10-28

comScore, Inc. released results of a study of the online credit card industry, based on both passively-observed online behavioral data as well as a survey of more than 2,000 Internet users conducted in September 2008. Study findings revealed that for the first time in the five most recent quarters, the total number of credit card applications submitted online at the top ten credit-card issuer sites declined, dropping 6 percent in Q2 2008 versus the same period in 2007.

This decline is fueled largely by a drop in application rates among prime candidates (defined as individuals having the equivalent of a FICO creditworthiness score of greater than 660), while application rates among subprime candidates (defined as individuals having the equivalent of a FICO creditworthiness score of 660 or less) have increased, up 7 percent in Q2 2008 versus year ago.

"With historically-low consumer confidence, a tight credit market and looming uncertainty in the marketplace, it's likely many consumers are doing all they can to avoid having to take out additional lines of credit. We see that prime candidates have become particularly cautious during this time, while subprime candidates remain relatively credit-hungry," said Jennifer Lanouette, comScore vice president. "Regardless of these shifts in consumer behavior, it's important for credit card issuers to realize they can still compete for new customers by appealing to those looking for better rates, card rewards and service options."

In fact, 67 percent of survey respondents (which includes both subprime and prime consumers) said they would consider switching their primary credit card if a better feature were offered by another credit card company. Fifty two percent of these respondents said a lower APR/interest rate would entice them to switch, while 38 percent said better rewards/features would prompt them to make the move.

The mobile channel is also becoming increasingly attractive to consumers seeking financial information, with the online banking category ranking as the fastest growing mobile Web category during the past year, up 91 percent in unique visitors in April 2008 versus year ago.

Source: PR Newswire

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