May saw Americans view more than 8.3 billion video streams online, and Google Sites once again ranked as the top U.S. streaming video property with 1.8 billion videos streamed (21.5 percent share of streams), 1.7 billion of which occurred at Fox Interactive Media ranked second with 680 million streams (8.1 percent), followed by Yahoo! Sites with 387 million (4.6 percent) and Viacom Digital with 237 million (2.8 percent).

In total, nearly 132 million Americans viewed online streaming video in May. Google Sites also captured the largest streaming video audience with more than 64.9 million unique streamers, followed by Fox Interactive Media with 52.7 million and Yahoo! Sites with 35.0 million.

Other notable findings from May 2007 include:
- Online viewers watched an average of 158 minutes of streaming video per streamer.
- The average video stream duration was 2.5 minutes.
- Nearly three out of four (74.3 percent) U.S. Internet users streamed video online.
- More than one out of three (35 percent) U.S. Internet users streamed video on
- The average online video viewer consumed 63 video streams, or more than two per day.