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Home News USA U.S. Mobile Worker Population Expresses Interest in Purchasing an iPhone

U.S. Mobile Worker Population Expresses Interest in Purchasing an iPhone
added: 2007-07-03

RDA Global released the findings of the first research conducted about the Apple iPhone among U.S. mobile workers. The report reveals that 15 percent of the 50 million mobile workers in the U.S. expressed interest in purchasing the iPhone, representing a total of 7.2 million potential iPhone unit sales among workers who either travel, work away from their office or are telecommuters.

Mobile workers that use Apple computers and iPods are most likely to be interested in purchasing an iPhone. "We expect Apple to capture sales from Blackberry, Treo and other high-end phone users - almost half of this group says that they plan to buy an iPhone," explains Chris Seals, vice president of business development at RDA Global. "The survey responses indicate that the iPhone price of $500 to $600 is unlikely to deter the relatively better-off, young, well-educated and professional- type consumers, who tend to typically be Apple product fans."

RDA Global's research findings suggest that these younger consumers are willing to pay a 50% premium or more for iPhone features. There is also good news in the report for AT&T who will be providing the exclusive service contracts for the iPhone. The survey found that iPhone purchasers spend almost twice the amount of time on their mobile device than is the case with those not interested in the iPhone.

"We expect the iPhone to have a substantial impact on how mobile workers currently communicate," concludes Seals. "A 15 percent penetration of the mobile worker market in a short period of time could position the iPhone as the device of choice for the business segment of mobile hand-held products."

Source: PR Newswire

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