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added: 05-09-2008

The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported revised productivity data - as measured by output per hour of all
persons - for the second quarter of 2008.

added: 05-09-2008

The "smart growth" ideal of high density urban housing and limits on land use yields few real benefits but imposes enormous costs on families, according to noted environmental economist Randal O'Toole.

added: 05-09-2008

The Canadian Venture Capital Association (CVCA) released its Q2 figures last week based on statistical reports from Thomson-Reuters. The data paints a gloomy picture for the venture capital investment industry in Canada, and especially in Ontario where VC investment has declined by 60% in the past year.

added: 05-09-2008

Global Insight released the second quarter 2008 update of the U.S. housing valuation analysis, House Prices in America, showing that single-family home prices continue to fall across the country, though at a slower rate than last quarter, and that extreme overvaluation of house prices is essentially nonexistent, a sign the nation's housing "bubble" has popped and house prices reflect a healthy balance in relation to long-term fundamentals.

added: 05-09-2008

In the US car sales were again very weak last month, despite the drop in oil and petrol prices.


added: 04-09-2008

Economic worries pushed mortgage rates down again, with the average conforming 30-year fixed mortgage rate falling to 6.55 percent. According to's weekly national survey of large lenders, the average 30-year fixed mortgage has an average of 0.41 discount and origination points.

added: 04-09-2008

The Monster Employment Index rose moderately in August, adding two points, as a majority of industries, occupations, and regions registered increased online job availability, suggesting that U.S. employers began gearing up for the late-summer and fall hiring season.

added: 04-09-2008

The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation released its findings documenting the huge second quarter decline in IPO activity in the United States and foreign markets, a continuing reduction in the ability of U.S. markets to capture IPOs, and a failure by U.S. markets to list any of the largest IPOs in 2008.

added: 04-09-2008

In August 2008, there were 4,833,700 online advertised job vacancies, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Series™ (HWOL).

added: 04-09-2008

When enterprise IT departments have to make cuts of over five per cent of their budget, they're most likely to reduce staff, cut salaries, and eliminate vendors and outsourced contracts to achieve targets, says an Info-Tech Research Group study conducted this summer.

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