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added: 18-06-2009

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in May before seasonal adjustment, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. Over the last 12 months the index has fallen 1.3 percent. This is the largest decline since April 1950 and is due mainly to a 27.3 percent decline in the energy index.

added: 18-06-2009

Mortgage rates pulled back sharply this week, with the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate falling to 5.76 percent. According to's weekly national survey, the average 30-year fixed mortgage has an average of 0.43 discount and origination points.

added: 18-06-2009

Real average weekly earnings fell by 0.3 percent from April to May after seasonal adjustment, according to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.

added: 18-06-2009

Americans believe that innovation leadership is important, but they are concerned about American innovation in a more competitive international environment, according to a new survey released by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®. Forty-three percent said remaining the innovation leaders of the world is most important to our future success. This compares to military leadership (14 percent), economy size (23 percent) and having the dollar continue to be the world’s de facto currency (11 percent).

added: 18-06-2009

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased 0.2 percent in May, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. This rise followed a 0.3-percent advance in April and a 1.2-percent decrease in March. At the earlier
stages of processing, prices received by producers of intermediate goods rose 0.3 percent following a 0.5-percent decline a month earlier, and the crude goods index climbed 3.6 percent after rising 3.0 percent in April.

added: 17-06-2009

While the majority of small businesses would recommend their geographic location to others, they also say their local government could do much more to support them. Seven out of 10 businesses responding to the latest Ouch Point survey from Opinion Research Corporation, an infoGROUP company, say tax breaks would be the most effective measure, followed by "cutting red tape."

added: 17-06-2009

While consumer confidence is at its highest level since November 2008, that doesn't mean consumers are spending more. According to a new Rabobank podcast, consumers, who once focused on premium products, now place a premium on value - and are unlikely to revert once the recession recovers.

added: 17-06-2009

While President Obama's push for a larger government role in health care and the prospect of a European-style health care model developing in the United States may worry some pharmaceutical companies, all should share a more immediate concern: the growing influence of payers over physician prescription decisions in the United States.

added: 17-06-2009

As the debate over the direction of the economy continues, Americans' pessimism about their financial security is slowing. The latest COUNTRY Financial Security Index(R) dipped 0.3 points to 64.6 in June, marking the smallest overall decline since October 2008.

added: 17-06-2009

The majority of executives in America's biggest companies - 66% - believe that the reputation of CEOs today is largely negative, according to a survey conducted by leading global public relations firm Weber Shandwick with KRC Research.

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