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added: 18-03-2009

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods advanced 0.1 percent in February, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 18-03-2009

A new survey of employers released by WorldatWork and the American Benefits Council, "Trends in 401(k) Plans", finds that the financial crisis has not significantly discouraged 401(k)contributions or participation. A full 74 percent of employers reported no change in the employer matching contribution; 15 percent have either increased or are considering increasing the employer match; eight percent have either decreased or are considering decreasing the 401(k) match, and three percent reported eliminating the match.

added: 18-03-2009

The impact of identity theft and a fear of online shopping caused retailers to miss out on $21 billion in online sales in 2008, according to new study released by Javelin Strategy & Research. The study found that 12 percent of fraud victims report they no longer shop online, while 25 percent said that the frequency of their online purchases has decreased, and 19 percent say they now spend less money when shopping online.

added: 18-03-2009

The weekly average rate borrowers were quoted on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace for thirty-year mortgages fell for the first time in a month to 5.21 percent, down from 5.28 percent the week prior, according to the Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitor, compiled by leading real estate Web site®.

added: 18-03-2009

New information from the NPD Group, Inc.shows consumer attitudes toward the economy and intentions to shop at their lowest point since October. However, consumers’ concern for job security appears to be leveling off, which could mean they are preparing to spend again. Findings were reported in NPD’s Economy Tracker, a monthly report on consumer attitudes and spending intentions.

added: 18-03-2009

American consumers say articles that include brand information is the type of online advertising they're most likely to read and act upon, compared to banner ads, pop-up ads, email offers or sponsored links, according to a new survey.

added: 18-03-2009

After hearing the thoughts, worries and feelings of thousands of young Canadians, Virgin Mobile Canada has created the "Mood Meter." Ranging from Red ("Everything Sucks Huge") to Green ("The Recession Ain't Getting Me Down"), this five-stage colour-coded system reads the pulse of Canada's youth and reveals exactly what they're thinking. As of right now, according to the latest research, young Canadians are officially on yellow alert!

added: 17-03-2009

Americans want to see more initiatives that aid small businesses, like the $15 billion package unveiled by President Obama Monday, according to a new poll released by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

added: 17-03-2009

The recession has forced nearly two in five (39 percent) Americans to save less for their golden years, but it hasn't changed their perception about whether middle income families can save for retirement.

added: 17-03-2009

Reported incidents of mortgage fraud in the U.S. are at an all-time high and increased by 26 percent from 2007 to 2008 according to a new report released by the Mortgage Asset Research Institute (MARI®), a LexisNexis® service.

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