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added: 16-09-2007

After 10 years of direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and growth of the US Internet population, the question is not who is searching for health information online but rather who isn't. The pharmaceutical industry has responded.

added: 15-09-2007

Slightly more than 46% of business people polled expect no to flat growth in the last half of 2007, according to a survey conducted by online opinion polling and market research service provider Vizu Corporation.

added: 15-09-2007

US local online advertising spending has a long way to go. The dollar gap between local online and local total media ad spending is huge, with $97 billion still going to offline media such as yellow pages and print newspapers. A mere 2.9% of all local ad spending will go online in 2007, or just $2.9 billion.

added: 14-09-2007

The "decimated" housing market will continue to cause issues for the nation's economy and will not see any improvement until 2009, according to the Chief Economist for leading trade credit insurer Euler Hermes ACI.

added: 14-09-2007

The Deloitte Research Leading Index of Consumer Spending got a boost this month from falling jobless claims and rising real wages. However, the weak spending outlook continues, primarily due to falling home prices.

added: 14-09-2007

More than three-quarters of Internet users in the United States go online for health information, according to Burst Media.


added: 14-09-2007

Fixed mortgage rates plunged this week, with the average conforming 30-year fixed mortgage rate falling to 6.28 percent. According to's weekly national survey of large lenders, the average 30-year fixed mortgage has an average of 0.43 discount and origination points.


added: 14-09-2007

Against the backdrop of the current rocky housing market, the majority of American retirees (73 percent) say they’ll hang on to what may be one of their biggest assets - their homes - rather than sell or downsize.

added: 13-09-2007

The state of the current U.S. healthcare system remains a primary concern for small business owners, according to the latest Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index. Almost nine out of 10 small business owners surveyed (86 percent) said the current healthcare system is in need of change, with six out of 10 saying a "a complete overhaul" (59 percent) is in order.

added: 13-09-2007

According to Casey Research Chief Economist Bud Conrad, there is a disconnect between the official Fed pronouncements and official action. Further, Mr. Conrad believes that the Fed has already effectively cut the Fed Funds rate.

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