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added: 12-06-2007

Three weeks into its aggressive spring retail and marketing campaigns, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group announced HD DVD is significantly ahead in the dedicated consumer electronics player market with 60% of all high definition set-top players sold. At the same time, high definition movie sales for HD DVD reached an all time high for the month of May, exceeding 75,000 movies the last week of May alone.

added: 12-06-2007

It is the Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo!, eBay, AOL, Microsoft, News Ltd and Amazon, which by evolving their services and capabilities are forcing the industry to change. They are breaking down the old business models which were mainly built around monopolistic market structures.

added: 12-06-2007

While cell phones are widely used across most segments of the U.S. adult population this is especially true for those under 30. Remarkably, over half of U.S. adults who only use a cell phone are under 30. And, furthermore, one-third of 18 to 29 year olds only use a cell phone or the Internet for making phone calls.

added: 11-06-2007

Despite modest overall growth of 4% between 2005 and 2006 and similar rates predicted for 2007 and 2008, the market for swimming pool equipment and maintenance products is expected to gain momentum, jumping 26% over the next four years to an estimated $3.8 billion, according to the U.S. Market for Swimming Pool Equipment and Maintenance Products, a new report from market research publisher SBI, a division of

added: 11-06-2007

"After dipping below 1% in the first quarter, real GDP already appears well on its way to exceed 3% in the second quarter - a little above its trend rate. A dramatic drawdown in inventories, in particular, left production with nowhere to go but up. Even automakers, which have been draining inventories for a year, are now scrambling to restock dealer lots," says Diane Swonk, chief economist of Mesirow Financial, in her June edition of Themes on the Economy.

added: 11-06-2007

Americans' confidence in current economic conditions slumped this month, resuming a downward trend after a brief resurgence in May, according to the most recent results of the RBC CASH (Consumer Attitudes and Spending by Household) Index. The survey, which measured the attitudes of 1,000 Americans earlier this week, found respondents much less confident about their current situation and only mildly optimistic about their future prospects.

added: 10-06-2007

The percentage of new MBAs landing job offers before graduation has increased by half since 2003, research conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council reveals.

added: 09-06-2007

A new study released by the Association of Public Television Stations (APTS) found that left to their own devices, the 22 million American households that rely upon free, over-the-air television will move slowly to adopt digital TV sets or subscribe to cable or satellite services.

added: 09-06-2007

Major hotel markets throughout the United States continued to witness positive growth in 2006 and are expected to repeat that performance in 2007, thanks to increased corporate travel and a surprisingly strong showing from the upper-end of the hotel market, according to the 2007 US Lodging Report released by Ernst & Young.


added: 08-06-2007

Does it pay to save? For many households, particularly young and lower-income families, the answer is often no, according to a new study from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). The report found that due to government policies, saving can cost many low-income families thousands of dollars in lost benefits, such as food stamps.

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